Monday, May 10, 2010

Why Flash Apps Should Not Be On The App Store

Have you noticed that in the Apple Store, there is not a bargain bin of unwanted software?

Of course not! Apple is promoting it's identity as a high quality boutique. The danger of allowing Flash developers to literally explode the App Store and flood it with bad apps was very real. It's hard enough today to read 3 or 4 different apps and the reviews, and make a purchase. If overnight, there were an additional dozen or so bad apps, for the same thing, the frustration level would also explode.

If customer choice means tons of bad thanks, I'll pass.

This notion that freedom and choice are at stake is completely ludicrous. Imagine a Presidential debate where all the candidates from every fringe party got equal time. It would be a complete waste, because you'd only be listening to a very small fraction of the debate.

The App Store would suffer a "Flash Tax"...and die

People would soon tire of spending $5-$10 weeding through bad apps just to find a good one. Flash developers, oblivious to what is happening, would see sales and produce vastly more junk. The user would blame Apple. The quality of the App Store would plummet very quickly. The iPhone/App Store ecosystem would slowly collapse. Journalists would write post-mortems about how Flash killed the App Store. If you think things are bad now between Adobe and Apple, just image the aftermath of that.

Conclusion: Apple did the right thing.

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